UI UX Mini Case Study and Class Review

Muhammad Nur Faza
3 min readAug 24, 2022


Hello! My name is Muhammad Nur Faza. I’m a UI/UX enthusiast. I’m going to present a mini-case study from the knowledge that I have, plus what I learned in the “Figma UI UX Design Essentials” class at Udemy.


Udemy is a company that provides a place to study and teach online. You can upgrade your knowledge or join them to be a lecturer. I was looking for a class that provides a Figma practice and found it on Udemy. The class title is “Figma UI UX Design Essentials” with Daniel Walter Scott as a lecturer. There is so much knowledge that I learned about Figma in that class. So, I decided to make a mini-case study based on the class assignment and knowledge that I’ve had.


This is the user persona. It describes the user’s background and what they want. This user persona is based on a web that the lecturer gave to me.


After I got the user persona, I made a pain point. It describes the problem that users have based on user persona.

How-Might-We (HMW)

From the pain point, I made an HMW question to help me understand the problem and then make the solutions. The HMW question is:

“How might we design a product that makes our users understand what we offer and not get confused when buying the product?”


These are the solutions based on the HMW question.


I made a user flow to find out the steps of a user when using our product.


After making the user flow, I made a wireframe as a base to make the design.


I added a little detail and made it low fidelity.


This is a design system. It will help me to make the high-fidelity stage design of our product.


This is the final stage of the design. It combines the design system and low fidelity design.




Study at the “Figma UI UX Design Essentials” class is nice because it helps me a lot about using Figma. Thanks to Sir Daniel Walter Scott for the knowledge and the fun teaching. Thank you for readers who want to spend your time to read this article too! Maybe later I’ll make a real UI UX case study I guess..?

Big Thanks!

